

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Going Coastal Christmas

The giant quilt I made for my brother's family is getting lots of use already. There seems to be some confusion on sharing but these two seem to have come to an understanding.
Thanks to my mom, the binding was on Christmas Eve morning and we even had time to wash and dry just in time for present opening. Christmas was saved (actually saved about 42 times, so that's nice).
The pattern is a modified version of a pattern by Stitched in Color with a few extra rows at the bottom since I found it to be really wide but not long enough.  Easy peasy to adjust though.

I still really love that fabric and have a plan for another quilt here soon.

P.S. This was finished quilt number 17 for 2011.  I am a bit behind on blogging still though.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Finally Something New

On my design wall. It's the same project that's been up there since Sept but at least I can see progress.

I've had a bit of an adjustment to the light in my sewing space but at least my cell phone pictures aren't so yellow.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ready to Go!

Ready to Go! by shanleytulip
Ready to Go!, a photo by shanleytulip on Flickr.

The holiday piles have been cleared. Well out of the sewing space anyway, I'm easing in to the cleaning of the house plan.

Over Christmas I did get a few requests for quilt repairs/lengthening from nephews so plans are in the works for those as well.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday Morning

I don't cut Minkee in the house.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Starting at the Last Minute

Hopefully finishing before the last second.

I'm working on a new gift and needed a bit of muslin. Here's my go to fabric that use instead.

I have a ton of it and I use it to test ideas or line things but I'm afraid that as soon as its gone, I'll think of the perfect project that needs a bunch.

It's some of my only per washed fabric because we used it as table cloths for a 3 themed birthday years ago.

Friday, December 9, 2011

One of the Three

This could be pure genius or the start of a disaster. Guess I'll find out soon enough.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Quick Flannel Pillowcases

I whipped up two quick wintery flannel pillowcases today after completely rethreading the serger. It's important to whip up something after spending so much time on that chore. Otherwise what sticks in your head is that the serger is persnickety. Which it is but three super fast seams later, these cute kits (which showed up in a package today from Above All Fabrics closing sale) are now ready for Christmas.

P.S. also not on my list.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Wrapping Testing

Now that Festivus is over, I'm trying out a bag pattern to use as wrapping this Christmas. So far the sizing is odd but they are cute. I'm thinking of taking them to the store and whatever fits into them is the gift.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Checking my List

And doing things not on the list but I'll add them later just to check them off. It's very productive that way.

A few pieces of Peacock Lane were delivered to my house this week and so I read a few tutorials and the made up a pattern. It's a half apron which is double sided with some Verna and the super long tie is something by Patty Young. It all just seemed to go well together and if I was smart, could have gone together in one evening. But I'm not so it took two and a million pins. I do have a plan to make it easier though. That will likely take three evenings though because I'll sew something together really wrong.