

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Woven Chevron

A coworker's husband recently received a leukemia diagnosis. While it appears to highly treatable, I'm still strongly opposed to any type of cancer. So what was to be done but start a kamikaze quilting project?

I used a block tutorial from The Elven Garden.  I ginormisized it and rotated the rows.

Since my machine is only set up for baby quilts right now, I came with a brilliant plan to quilt it in sections and then simply stitch it all together. Throw a little pebbling over the seam and call it good. Umm yeah, that was not my finest idea. I ended up on the floor with it for two nights trying to hand stitch the layers together. It worked well enough but I've never head so many puckers on the front and back of a quilt. I was crossing my fingers the whole time it was in the wash that it would shrink up a lot. The more texture the better!

I found a fun flannel print at JoAnn's for the backing. The binding took a couple of movies over the weekend so I could deliver it today.

Hopefully they like it.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Birthday Gift

Check out the awesomeness which is my new quilt rack. My friend, Shawn, made it just for me!!

It is perfect for my living room and currently holds some quilts and fabric I brought home from Turkey. I'm trying to decide how to use it and having it out should help.

Now I better get back to filling it up :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

SD Bee Block

I've joined the quilt bee in our SD Modern Quilt Guild. The first blocks are for Amanda and I finished them up today.

The bottom block matches up to one of Susan's blocks since she posted hers online before I drew mine up. Amanda is going to have a great quilt from these blocks!

Next up...bubbles for Barb.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Hey, it counts. I've finished an entire spool of aqua thread. Hmmm, who would guess that pebbling a 72x84 quilt would get me to the end of a million yards.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lined Bag

Like everyone else in the blog world, I tried the In Color Order Lined Bag. It only took an evening and a half and is a nice size.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I think there are only two people who will be impressed with this finish. And they would be people who have fought the serger and won the threading battle. It took an entire episode of Castle to actually accomplish it but I'm a winner!!

Oh yeah, a picture...

It's a kitchen towel, the front from Spoonflower with the yellow terry on the back.

Now on to some promised Hooter Hiders!