

Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Plan for Labels

New Plan for Labels, originally uploaded by shanleytulip.
I've been sewing like mad this week but most of the projects are still top secret so today I'm sharing my new plan for making sure my quilts get labels a little sooner. I'm printing them and taping them up over my cutting table. Two of these are even for unfinished quilts. One thing I'm struggling with though is that I like to put the month and the year that the quilt was finished on a label but if I print the label prior, I do have to guess on the month. That's one way to put a deadline on myself I suppose.

P.S. The green strip isn't part of the label, I've redacted the recipient name since it's a secret project.

1 comment:

  1. did you get my other comment? you are one of my winners for squares from the giveaway i hosted on my blog. please let me know your info and i'll send them out to you!
