The title of this post is the way to announce that you're coming off break in my family. This ticker tape quilt is one of the projects that I'm working on at the end of 2010. I've reloaded and added a couple of more rows. Between June and December I've created plenty of new scraps to finish this off. Here's the post from when I was last working on it.
In between placing the little bits and tacking them down with the machine, I'm working on some borders, some clean up and some planning for next year.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Where's My Tape?
Final 2010 Finish
Anyway, these are the green squares I won from a giveaway by crazy mom quilts and I whipped up the top in October. The quilting is wavy lines and went super super fast. Then I attached the binding to the front and it languished in the to be worked on pile (on my couch). The flurry of December presents with deadlines took priority over this quilt so I just finished the binding this morning. It's a great lap quilt size and the flannel backing from my stash was perfect.
The flannel is super soft and I think it's going to wash up really well.
For the MacGuyver portion of the photoshoot, I used a preexisting hook in the wall with a little clip thing that was on the table I keep meaning to clear off. Add one empty wrapping paper roll to extend my gorilla arm and voila, a picture of almost the whole quilt is achieved.
Of course as soon as this was accomplished a friend texted she was coming over so if I had been a tad more patient, she'd have held it up for me outside in the sun. C'est la vie!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Fruitcake Gifted
I started out using 2 charm packs but then found that I needed a lot more squares so I got a layer cake and cut it into 5 inch squares. I still have a lot leftover which is nice. I did a disappearing nine patch and this is one of those quilts I liked way better in the pictures than in real life until I got it quilted up.
Here's the label before attaching to the quilt and yes, after gifting to the family. The binding was finished by my mom on Christmas Day (we open presents on Christmas Eve) while I finished the label by hand.
Really, I did the label by hand. Even the tiny binding around the words. I sure hope it lasts through a washing.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Winter Solstice in Purple
This is the finished just before the deadline and gifted hours before I left for SF quilt. I decided to gift a solstice quilt for a friend of mine who celebrates the winter solstice. She mentioned awhile back that her favorite color was purple so I got a few purple batiks and went to town. I posted about the strips previously here. This was one of those projects that just seemed to be calling to me despite my already over long holiday sewing list.
I quilted with wavy lines which seemed to go well with the varied patterns in the batiks. You can see a fabric or two in the first picture that I would likely have taken out if I'd had more time to worry over this puppy.
The backing worked out really well though (and at 25% off) but since it was sorta plain I went with the lighter thread on the back too so that it would show up better.
I'm trying to be better with listing sizes so this one is about 60 inches x 72 inches. Theoretically. I didn't measure after washing but it didn't seem to crinkle as much as some of the others.
Happy Winter Solstice All! Remember the days only get longer from here!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Bits of Wood
Here's a closeup of a couple of the squares. I made this with leftover bits of the Bento Box that took years (by not working on it) and started out just sewing as many 3 inch strips together as I could. Then I cut those into 3 inch bits. Then I made a gazillion 4 patches. Then a bazillion 16 patches. Then just started sewing those together. Until I ended up with 952 squares all in a quilt.
I'm happy with the final outcome but don't have any full pictures to include since I finished it just in time to drop it off on the porch for the birthday I intended it for. I hope he likes it. And if not, I hope he lies about it.
Gifts Gone Wild
Idea: a half dozen photo cards I made in a cute little cupcake themed bag for a true cupcake connoisseur. I hoped she'd use the bag for books or something.
Result: the bag was waaaaaay too small to hold the cards and unless she reads little cardboard chewable books, it won't be much use for that either. Ah well, the tutorial was from Happy Zombie and she does call them Tiny Treat bags so that should have been my first clue.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
It's a Festivus Miracle!
I actually have enough fabric to tweak the bindings on this quilt that is no where near ready but is due very soon.
I'm hoping for about 42 more Festivus Miracles this weekend so if you have any extra, please send them my way.
Bits Label
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Central Park and Sunkissed
They are both little bits of spring trying to keep me from putting up my holiday decorations. I will finish presents before I open the bundles. . . I will try anyway.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Not What I'm Working On
But will probably use these next year. Or not, I do have a ton of other fabric calling my name. I'm actually doing some free style quilting right now. At the moment I feel like I've wrecked my quilt top and should start over. Or gouge out the eyes of the person who will receive it so they don't notice that it could have been pretty.
HOWEVER, there is usually a point on every quilt that I make where I wonder what the hell I was thinking and want to dump the whole thing. So I think I shall wait until it's done before becoming violent on someone I normally like well enough to make a quilt.