

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sea Glass

IMG_1666.JPG, originally uploaded by shanleytulip.
I picked up a book called Scrap-Basket Surprises by Kim Brackett a few months ago and decided to dive into my blue and green scraps to try one of her patterns. I need about 80 little blocks total but just in the bits of fabric that caught my eye on the first pass through the scraps, I've already completed 22 with 17 more partially cut. I'm not sure if they'll all stay in there as one of the dots looks a little bright in this picture. However, I'm kicking around a few other ideas for the year and have on my Excel list of quilts for the year a quilt I'm calling Orphanage for Blocks. And it just so happens that I know a few people involved with orphanages for children so I think that's a good option for such a quilt.

In other news, I saw a pattern I loved on one of the blogs that I stalk and found out it's from a book called Livin' Large. Which found it's way to my house and it turns out I liked most of the patterns in it. Sweet, I usually only like a quilt or two in a book so typically wouldn't buy them. I did some fabric shuffling and am making the pattern Modern Diamonds with a fabric line called Arabella by Pat Sloan. Here's the starting pile.

IMG_1666.JPG, originally uploaded by shanleytulip.

And check out this super diamond pattern flannel. In my team* color no less!

IMG_1666.JPG, originally uploaded by shanleytulip.

I'm setting aside the Sea Glass and moving on to this quilt. But hey, it only makes sense as the greens I'm using in this one might tone down the blue. Right?

*I don't really have a team that wears orange but were I to start a team, our uniforms would be orange. That's from trying to pick people out of crowds of runners where everyone was wearing blue, black, purple or green. Trust me, orange stands out.

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