

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Robots and Rocketships Blocks

Robots and Rockets Blocks, originally uploaded by shanleytulip.

Ok, you might all see more of this quilt then normal because I'm making it for a preschool class to gift to one of their classmates who has some health concerns right now. Since I only know one of the moms, I thought that having lots of postings might help with the coordination of the whole project.

Here are the first 8 blocks of the quilt out of a needed 42. Not too bad for a start. I've got pieces for many more cut and hope to get it organized tomorrow.

The blocks may look vaguely familiar because I'm using the Lemon Squares pattern again. I was a little nervous not to use a solid cream color with it to calm it down a little but I think it's all working together so far.

P.S. If I have any visitors from the class, please click on the tag "Robots" to see all related posts.


  1. I think it's bright and cheery!! I like it.

  2. this is so great and what a sweet thing to make!

  3. Oh I think it is wonderful!! So cute and colorful!

  4. So cheerful! Bode is going to love it!
