I used a block tutorial from The Elven Garden. I ginormisized it and rotated the rows.

Since my machine is only set up for baby quilts right now, I came with a brilliant plan to quilt it in sections and then simply stitch it all together. Throw a little pebbling over the seam and call it good. Umm yeah, that was not my finest idea. I ended up on the floor with it for two nights trying to hand stitch the layers together. It worked well enough but I've never head so many puckers on the front and back of a quilt. I was crossing my fingers the whole time it was in the wash that it would shrink up a lot. The more texture the better!

I found a fun flannel print at JoAnn's for the backing. The binding took a couple of movies over the weekend so I could deliver it today.
Hopefully they like it.