I used a block from Modern Blocks and managed to keep this one baby sized at a little over 41 inches square.

The book recommends flipping the bottom strip on the block to make them line up but I liked them offset. I also left off the pesky side strip and just put a 3 inch strip to sash. Hmm, and I cut the center squares larger. I guess i used it more as inspiration really.

I've got a green flannel for the back and probably will bind in hot pink. If my cold meds kick in then I might hike over to Pippi (my longarm) and get it quilted up today too. I suspect it will take as long to quilt as it will to load it.
Also I noticed that I blogged half as much this year and have 3 times as many followers now. If I stop blogging altogether I would probably be crowned Empress of the World. Since I'm not ready for that kind of fame, I will try to blog just enough to stay incognito.
Rofl! Please don't stop blogging, I love your blog! Great quilt - those are gorgeous fabrics :o)