The blocks are all ready to go now and after consultation with my BFF today, the blocks won't be mixed up. There are a million sets though so I may end up making one mixed and one not. We'll see.
Today I went to sew at my friend's house and mainly worked on hand stitching a binding. The kid agreed to take pictures for us but I was reading a magazine at the time so was required to make the picture more interesting. Don't worry, no quilts were harmed in the process.

And later we played a rousing game of Guess What I'm Drawing Without Looking at the iPad.

Nathan won. Partially because of the ship above and partially because we only guessed he would draw bikes. It makes sense if you know him, I have most of the kids we know convinced the man has no furniture in his house, only bikes. I test-drove writing a blog with a new iPad app and liked it enough to buy the app (psst, Mom - don't tell Dad :P). I did leave myself logged in over there which means, I can blame any wacky posts on her FOREVER.
Oddly, I did not get the binding finished yet.
stay tuned for said wacky posts.... if I remember. OH wait! Something shiny...