Just a quick update on today's blocks. I've got them up on my design wall to show the width and length.
Monday, May 30, 2011
iPad cover
It's a mostly sewing weekend for me it seems. This is a quick little project that would have been quicker had I thought it through and read some instructions. I made an iPad cover with some fabric from the Central Park line by Kate Spain. The interior is a really soft flannel. The binding and button are Kona solids. It would have gone a little quicker if I hadn't quilted the lining to the rest of it. I ended up with seams on the inside so decided to bind those too. That got a little fiddly in the corners. It works though. I used a silver stretchy cord so to loop over the button to keep everything in place.
I used the Dritz make your own buttons without tools fanciness but didn't try to center a print on it. Maybe an envelope cover next time though to make sure that it doesn't collect schmutz if it goes into another bag.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Robots and Rocketships Blocks
Ok, you might all see more of this quilt then normal because I'm making it for a preschool class to gift to one of their classmates who has some health concerns right now. Since I only know one of the moms, I thought that having lots of postings might help with the coordination of the whole project.
Here are the first 8 blocks of the quilt out of a needed 42. Not too bad for a start. I've got pieces for many more cut and hope to get it organized tomorrow.
The blocks may look vaguely familiar because I'm using the Lemon Squares pattern again. I was a little nervous not to use a solid cream color with it to calm it down a little but I think it's all working together so far.
P.S. If I have any visitors from the class, please click on the tag "Robots" to see all related posts.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Saturday Stash #22
This has been in my stash for a bit as I was waiting for the perfect project to come along. That project came along last month and brought a friend today. So I've got a couple of plans and have put my rotary cutter on alert.
Gotta hit up just one more Memorial Day sale this weekend and I think I'm set for both projects.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Slowly with the Fandango
Since I got it off the frame, I decided to make up the binding (pictured here next to my favorite niece picture, although she's way bigger than that now). And here's the newest addition to my pile of bindings to be done.
That pile should go down soon as I'm sending the first kite quilt north for binding. Although, that just means that it is time to do the second kite quilt and I'm growing the stack again. Sounds like I won't need to take my machine to the next guild meeting!
Friday, May 20, 2011
To Welcome
I like the rolled up look of the first picture. The next one shows the whole quilt.

photo.JPG, originally uploaded by shanleytulip.
The label wording was from my sister, I printed it onto fabric and then stitched over the printing.
And finally, a close up of the quilting. I did stitch in the ditch around the chains and then little loops in the blue.
Check out the rest of the quilts on the festival.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Must Have
Really, tulips in the Turkish style. Plus bright colors? I'm in!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Fandango Quilting
I've been quilting off and on this weekend on my Fandango quilt. It is a pretty easy design and I think I've got about a row and a half left. Not too bad considering the size. This is one of the patterns that makes me think that quilting for others wouldn't be so bad. Maybe someday when I run out of fabric, ideas and peeps needing quilts.
P.S. Mom, this is still not for you.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Fandango Loading
I'm in a quilting kind of mood lately. The last piece for my Pfaff showed up this week and I have a bunch of tops to get done. At least as far as to the hand binding stage. I'm going with a swirly whirly pantograph for this one. Thank goodness I started that before I went out to get extra bobbins today. I found out that my little sewing machine store, Consew, is going to be getting in and demoing the Quilt Cad software soon. Just what I need, a way to draw my own pantographs!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Sheer Madness
Ok, this is the start of what could be a project that buries me so deep this summer that I never see the light of day.
Stay tuned!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Pile o' Pending Binding
- the last of the six NOLA placemats
- ragged circle California Dreamin' baby
- lemon squares
- ticker tape parade, I've been trying to get my friends to come over and trim strings but they're all on to me by now.
I've wrestled down the list so that I only have to finish a quilt every 22 days. Such progress!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
SDMQG Sewing Day
According to my handy dandy excel tracking sheet, I have to finish a quilt every 21 days in order to meet my goal of 24 this year. Umm, yeah. I should be at 8 finished and I'm at a whooping 1. One. It's fine, who doesn't want a whole lap full of quilt to bind just as the summer gets ready to show up? Might be a year to perfect the art of attaching both sides of the binding by machine.