That seemed doable so I set about to find a background. Since awhile ago I bought a bolt of Kona Snow, except oops, it was Kona Bone, I decided to use some of that up. Hence the possible title as a nod to Paul Simon's Hearts and Bones.

Working a few bits here and there as my energy and coughing levels allowed, I finished up the top, happened to find a perfectly sized batting scrap at the top of the pile and loaded it on Pippi for some quilting. After another nap, I decided to quilt the word "love" over and over in the heart. Since I'm super literal and all. Marking out straight lines for diamonds worked out for the background and then I bound it in more pink, Oval Elements. Please see this post if you are unclear on why.

Finished at
I really like how it turned out and if you do too,